Genre: Historical Drama
Original Title: Büyük Selçuklu Alparslan
Producer: Akli Film
Broadcaster: TRT
Duration: 198×45’
Cast: Barış Arduç, Fahriye Evcen, Barış Bağcı, Mehmet Özgür, Erdinç Gülener, Mim Kemal Öke, Rabia Soytürk, Korel Cezayirli, Toprak Sergen, Sinan Tuzcu
It tells the story of Sultan Alparslan, who opened the doors of Anatolia to the Turks. On the day when the Great Seljuk Sultan Tugrul Bey will appoint his heir, he learns that the Byzantines attacked the Turkmens. Thereupon, he orders an expedition to Anatolia. Mysterious assassins attack the Seljuk soldiers going on an expedition. The traces of the attack take Alparslan (Barış Arduç) to a place he never expected. While Alparslan is after the assassins, he saves the life of Akça (Fahriye Evcen), a Turkmen girl who escaped from the Byzantines. This would be the first spark of the epic love between Alparslan and Akça Hatun. However, Alparslan is unaware of the secrets Akça hides behind her beauty.
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