Genre: Drama
Original Title: Balkan Ninnisi
Producer: Nebula Film Yapım
Broadcaster: TRT
Duration: 85×45’
Cast: Emre Bey, Erdal Özyağcılar, Merih Öztürk, Özlem Türkad, Can Kolukısa, Hakan Boyav, Suzan Akbelge, Gözde Çığacı, Sarp Bozkurt
It is the story of the city of Skopje, divided by the Vardar River and joined by the Stone Bridge… It is a story of love in this city where Turks and Albanians live on one side and Macedonians live on the other…
A hostile Turkish and Macedonian family are forced to live in the same house under the same roof, again thanks to an Ottoman heritage house deed. Jovanka (Merih Ozturk) and Ertan (Emre Bey) two lovers trying to make their lives better with love in this enmity…
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