Secrets of an Angel



Genre: Drama

Original Title: Yürek Çıkmazı

Producer:  Gold Film

Duration: 90×45’

Cast: Alp Navruz, İrem Helvacıoğlu, Mesut Akusta, Ayça Bingöl, Dilara Aksüyek, Bihter Dinçel, Aydan Şener, Güler Ökten

“Secrets Of an Angel” starring Alp Navruz (from Hold My Hand) and İrem Helvacıoğlu (from Lifeline).  The series is about a family whose members see their lives changed abruptly by a tragedy.

Cennet, who was exposed to domestic violence for years by her husband, Yılmaz, gets sick and is hospitalized. While she is being treated, she sees a Lawyer Zeynep’s number on the window of the hospital and calls her for help. She gives her a letter to be opened after she dies.

This letter will not only bring Zeynep and Halil the eldest son of Cennet, together but also will cause conflict between the siblings.  The Secret of An Angel is about the struggle of all women who are victims of domestic violence all around the world and also offers romance through the love story between Zeynep and Halil.


Tel: +90 216 695 13 00


Managing Director/ Aysegul Tuzun (
Head of Marketing / Zeynep Kayrak (

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