Wu Kong


Duration: 123 min

Genre: Fantasy, Action

Release Date: 7/13/2017

Director: Derek Kwok


Eddie PENG as SUN Wu Kong

NI Ni as A Zi

5 hundred years ago, the devils were beaten by the gods and started the resurrection. History and destiny, loneliness and resistance, are therefore all moved into a new era. Students in Tianting are stratified into levels after their birth. Born namelessly, Wu Kong is however arrogant and defies the god’s authorities. He broke every rules, ignored all the supervision from the Buddhas, gods and faeries, and caused the whole Tianting with utter chaos. At the battle of Jiejie Bridge, Wu Kong and his mates were defeated and dropped into the mortal world, where they then managed to find their selfness, friendship and love. However, all characters’ fates were actually doomed from the beginning. From looking down the Tianting at youth to struggling under the unbreakable repression, Wu Kong and his mates underwent all the confusion, frustration and the conflicts between dream and freedom. Those experiences composes the typical fight that belongs to everyone’ adolescence and make them step into real maturity. 

Contact: Yaonan Liu

Email: yaonan.liu@filmtag.cn

Phone: 13880005664

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