The Midnight Studio


60’ x 16eps

Genre : Romance Comedy, Fantasy, Human

Short Description : The story is about a photographer who take picture for the dead spirits with the last memories they want to take with.

It was his family business due to a curse of his ancestors. Every man in his family had to take the photos for the dead and also cursed to die before 35 years old.

The main character Giju as a ghost photographer, looking forwards to his 35th birthday. 

He starts to get threatened by evil spirits who are after his life. 

But one day he meets a girl named Han Bom, and finds out that when they are together in a very close distance, they can activate a shield that protects them from evil spirits.

So they start to cooperate together. As Han Bom is a lawyer, she was capable of solving unfair lawsuits to console the spirits.

As Giju was living a lonely life knowing that he won’t live longer than 35 years, he was a cold and stubborn person. but after he meets Han Bom, he starts to think that his life can be different.

Contact information:

Max GB Nam

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