


10х 24’

Season: 1

Season2: development

Full HD

A series about group of young people who try to find themselves in a big city, making relationships, taking responsibilities, but being very immature.

Stas and Olya decide to save up for the wedding by renting out two rooms in Stas’s three-bed apartment. Very different people become their tenants. Olya’s classmate – Vitya, who flew in from Bali, where God knows what he was doing for several years, Stas’s work colleague – Tolik, and pregnant “from her ex” beauty Lera, with whom Tolik has long been unrequitedly in love. Will Olya and Stas be able to keep their love?  And will new friends help them get married?

The series was created especially for the biggest social platform in Russia called “Classmates”. For the first two months 59 million people watched “Friendmates”.

Prizes and awards:

“Best Editing” BUEIFF Web Series Argentina, June 2022

“Best Actress”, “Best Editing” Rio Webfest Brazil, November 2022

“Best Web Series” Bahia Independent Cinema Festival Brazil, November 2022

“Best Web Series” Girona Film Festival Spain, November 2022

Available as a format and a ready-made series.

For more information please contact us:

Olga Volodina:,

Varya Orlova:

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