This historical drama follows the reign of Razia Sultan, the daughter of Sultan Iltutmish and Qutub Begum. People are taken by surprise when the Sultan appoints Razia as his heir apparent, making Razia the first Muslim woman to be appointed as an empress. Razia proves her worth to her subjects by being caring, compassionate and as dedicated as her father, thereby earning the respect of all. The show follows her journey as the Sultan and the ups and downs during her regime.
Promo Link https://vimeo.com/419941559/e4b27e63b5
Russian Dubbed Screener Link https://vimeo.com/268770897/c3c662643d
Manjyot Sandhu
Region Head Syndication — Europe & Middle East
ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Limited
E-mail: Manjyot.s@atl.esselgroup.com
Phone: +971528392399