From the world’s earliest animation until Iran’s animation pavilion Iran Pavilion comes to the World Content Market – Moscow 2023 with the name of the world’s first animation. Iran’s first animation is also the first human-made film, which was designed and drawn on clay by a creative Iranian artist more than 5200 years ago, which shows the animated images of a goat shearer digging and removing a leaf from a tree during the rotation of the clay and eating it. This year, Iran Animation Pavilion with such a history will appear in Moscow to look for determination and choose the colleagues and partners from all over the world to portray their big dreams and stunning future. The Iranian companies present in this pavilion offer various production and post-production services at the optimum point of price and quality, and they are more than eager for international joint productions and the presentation of their ready-made products to the world. “Kahkeshan Studios” , “Avang Media”, “Soor Creative media”, “Zipak” and “ParsCG Studio” companies along with the Iranian content trading company “Damamedia” are looking forward to your presence and visit at the Iran content booth.