Echo Jiang, Licensing Director at Alpha Animation Culture Ltd, presented the animation series “KATURI” during China Day at the World Content Market – Moscow this spring. The educational series follows four baby chicks growing up in nature under their mother’s tender care. On each adventure, Mother Flora encourages the chicks to help one another, fostering environmental awareness, curiosity, and imagination. The chicks learn to live alongside other animals and offer assistance when needed.
Targeted at children aged 2 to 5, the series consists of 156 episodes, each 7 minutes long, across three seasons, with a fourth season currently in production.
“KATURI” is already highly popular in Russia, airing on children’s TV channel Karusel and streaming on several OTT platforms including IVI and OKKO.
Alpha Group, a pioneering force in children’s content creation in China since 1993, has grown significantly across multiple sectors, from animated IPs to brand licensing, toys, and consumer goods, leaving a strong imprint on the global entertainment industry.