World Content Market is an international market for television and digital content (further, “Market").
Registration on the World Content Market is open to companies involved in production, distribution and broadcasting of audiovisual content; companies providing technical, publishing, financial and legal services in audiovisual industry, professional associations, organizations and government bodies involved in promotion of the audiovisual industry (further, “Participant”).
E-mail: info@worldcontentmarket.com
Market official web-site (further, “Market web-site")
Developer and Organizer of the World Content Market: Planet Sunbeam Limited (further, “Organizer“).
Planet Sunbeam Limited
21/F, CMA Building, No.64, Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong. Registered No.3329275
This Data Policy is an official document of the Organizer and determines the method of processing and protecting information on the Participant using Market web-site and its services.
The purpose of this Data Policy is to ensure due protection of the user information, including personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
The relations connected with the collection, storage, distribution and protection of the Participant’s information are governed by this Data Policy, and effective Russian legislation.
The Organizer has the right to modify this Data Policy. In case changes are made, the Organizer shall notify the Participant not later than 10 days before such changes become effective.
By registering on the Market and using the Market web-site the Participant agrees with the conditions of this Data Policy.
In case the Participant disagrees with the conditions of this Data Policy, the registration of the Participant on the Market can be cancelled by the Organizer.
Information Collection
The Participant registers for the Market by filling out the registration form on Market web-site. The Participant should name the person, responsible for registration of its delegates for the Market.
The Participant creates its own account. Access by Participant to this information is available through a password and a unique user ID. In addition, Participants’ information resides on a secure.
When you register on the Market, we ask you provide us personal information of the person, responsible for registration of other Delegates (this data will be visible only to the Organizer):
- First name
- Last name
- Job position
- Company
- Phone
When you register on the Market, we ask you provide us personal information about your delegates:
- First name
- Last name
- Job position
- Company
- Phone
Information Use
This information is used to connect you and your delegates with other Participant and its delegates of the Market. This information will also be used for the printed version of the Market Guide.
The Organizer may send you information regarding its services (account verification, technical notice, and newsletters) and about delegates that may be of interest to you. This information will be sent to emails or communicated by phone of a person, responsible for registration and also to emails of delegates of the Participant. Your delegates can communicate by emails or by phone with other delegates of the Market.
We retain personal information only for two years from collection.
If you don’t want to receive emails from other delegates of the Market, don’t indicate emails of your delegates in your account.
Being the Participant, you can’t refuse from phone contacts with other delegates of the Market.
Information Sharing
We share your personal information only with Participants of the Market. Personal information of your delegates and a person, responsible for registration is protected and secure.
Your Inquires
You have the right to send your inquiries to the Market Organizer, including inquiries regarding the use of the personal data of your delegates, in writing to E-mail: info@worldcontentmarket.com
The Market Organizer undertakes to consider and respond you inquiry within 10 days after it is received. All correspondence received by the Market Organizer from the Participant (written or electronic inquiries) is classified as restricted-access information and may not be disclosed without the Participant’s written consent. The personal data and other information on the Participant who sent the inquiry may not be used without the Participant’s special consent for any purpose other than for response to the inquiry, except as expressly provided by law.