“Three Sisters,” a creation by the esteemed İclal Aydın, has captured hearts since its release. The story revolves around Türkan, Dönüş, and Derya, three sisters whose dreams intertwine with their parents’ vision for the future in the enchanting setting of Ayvalık.As time passes, they discover that life’s pathways are complex, filled with unforeseen secrets. This heartrending narrative explores the delicate balance between resilience and vulnerability across generations.
Genre: Premium Drama
Episodes: 179
Duration: 44 min
Producer: Süreç Film
Languages: TBC
Available As: Finished Episodes & Format
Cast: İclal Aydın, Reha Özcan, Özgü Kaya, Almila Ada, Melisa Berberoğlu, Berker Güven
Tel: +90 212 000 00 00
e-mail: kdisales@kanald.com.tr