In the world of dreams, young Zeynep aspires to be a social media influencer while caring for her father, Kadir, with a childlike heart. Their unique situation stems from a fateful umbilical cord entanglement during Kadir’s prenatal days. Led by her ambitions, she escapes and starts to work as a house cleaner for influencer Ozan. Fate takes a twist when she encounters Sitare. “That Girl” weaves a captivating tale of ambition, family dynamics, and unforeseen connections.
Genre: Premium Drama
Episodes: 79
Duration: 45 min
Producer: Content House
Languages: TBC
Available As: Finished Episodes & Format
Cast: Erkan Petekkaya, Sezin Akbaşoğulları, Dilin Döğer, Cengiz Orhonlu
Tel: +90 212 000 00 00