Farewell Letter


“Farewell Letter” unveils a tale where love defies time and circumstance. Alanur’s life pivots when a letter disrupts her world, reuniting the Yıldız and Karlı families after three decades. As their destinies intertwine, it’s a question of fate, cosmic justice, or enduring love that binds them anew. Their children, Aslı and Mehmet, find their own love story unfolding against familial objections. “Farewell Letter” is a journey where love, fate, and destiny collide.

Genre: Premium Drama


Episodes: 76

Duration: 44 min

Producer: Most Production

Languages: TBC

Available As: Finished Episodes & Format

Cast: Nurgül Yeşilçay, Selim Bayraktar, Rabia Soytürk, Emre Kıvılcım, Bennu Yıldırımlar


Tel: +90 212 000 00 00

e-mail: kdisales@kanald.com.tr 


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