Set in 1980 amid political tension, Mustafa, a struggling factory worker, fights for his wife Canan’s life. Rejected his request for money by his heartless boss, he flees, leaving daughter Cemre in an orphanage, later adopted by the wealthy Ronas. Mustafa infiltrates their home with help from housekeeper Figen, and love blooms. “A father’s Promise” narrates their perilous journey, battling adversaries for family, love, justice, and a brighter future.
Genre: Premium Drama
Episodes: In Production
Duration:45 min
Producer: Pastel Film
Languages: TBC
Available As: –
Cast: Salih Bademci, Hazal Subaşı, Ozan Dolunay, Perihan Savaş, Özge Özberk, Teoman Kumbaracıbaşı, Elif Doğan, Çiçek Dilligil, Afra Karagöz
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