China and Russia in Talks to Adapt Liu Cixin’s Novel “Ball Lightning” for the Screen


China and Russia are in negotiations to adapt the science fiction novel “Ball Lightning” by Liu Cixin for the screen.

The Chinese company is already partnering with the Russian distribution company Mainstream and is in discussions to expand opportunities for future projects. “The project is currently at the early negotiation stage. In the near future, we intend to begin developing and producing the project based on Liu Cixin’s science fiction novel “Ball Lightning”, – Jin Hu said, emphasizing that Russian actors might also participate in the filming.

In November 2024, the film crew has arrived in Russia for preliminary location scouting, as part of the story takes place there. While it is still too early to announce the launch of the joint project, both Chinese and Russian sides hope for the opportunity to collaborate on this and other suitable projects in the future.

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