The Turkish TV series “Street Birds” (Ateş Kuşları) has gained considerable popularity in Russia since its release. This success can be attributed to the series’ compelling storyline, which revolves around a group of street children who find and raise an abandoned baby, eventually becoming a close-knit family facing various challenges. The show’s themes of resilience, family, and survival resonate with Russian audiences, who have a strong affinity for dramas that explore deep emotional and social issues.
“Street Birds” is part of a broader trend of Turkish dramas enjoying widespread success in Russia. Turkish series have become immensely popular in Russia over the past decade, drawing in large audiences due to their high production quality, intricate plots, and emotional depth. The success of these series has had a significant impact on cultural exchange, with Turkish shows not only entertaining Russian viewers but also influencing perceptions of Turkey and increasing interest in Turkish culture and tourism.
Moreover, the success of Turkish dramas in Russia is part of a global phenomenon, where these shows have been sold to over 160 countries, enhancing Turkey’s soft power and contributing to its cultural diplomacy.
The Turkish series “Street Birds” is available on several popular platforms in Russia, including Premier, Tricolor Film and TV, NTV Plus online TV, Smotreshka, Bolshoe TV.