ATV’s premium drama series “Safir” is now available on IVI, Russia’s largest OTT platform. The series follows Feraye, a textile design student who also works as a housekeeper for the wealthy Gülsoy family in Cappadocia. Feraye harbors deep feelings for Yaman, one of the family’s heirs. Her father, Muhsin, is married to Cemile, a woman who is cruel to the family.
The story takes a twist when Ateş, the eldest son of the Gülsoy family, returns to Cappadocia, where his grandfather has ambitious plans for him. Yaman plans to propose to Feraye, but things become complicated when she crosses paths with Bora, a mysterious figure who ends up hospitalized. Yaman remains silent about the incident to protect his family, but this leads to him being coerced into marrying Aleyna due to threats from an eyewitness.
Aleyna deceives Feraye, driving her to the brink of madness. Just in time, Ateş rescues her, and they discover that she is pregnant. Both love stories are fraught with secrets, and as the drama unfolds, Ateş finds himself falling in love with Feraye.
“Safir” was chosen by IVI due to its compelling storyline, high production quality, strong performances, and the proven popularity of Turkish dramas in Russia. The series’ success reflects its ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level, making it a valuable addition to IVI’s content lineup.