“The Tale of Blue” Streams on Russian OTT Platforms


“The Tale of Blue,” an enchanting animation series produced by the Iranian company Kahkeshan Animation Studio, the World Content Market exhibitor, has been successfully sold for broadcast in Russia. This captivating series has found its place on prominent Russian streaming platforms such as KinoPoisk, IVI, and OKKO.

“The Tale of Blue” is a story about the sharks who want to resurrect their hero so that they can rule the Seven Seas forever, which is impossible without having the blood of Dolphin King’s descendants. So, they kidnap the only surviving daughter of this family to drag her brother, Blue, who is unaware of his ancestry and powers, to the Shark Mountains.

Russian audiences have responded positively to the series, appreciating its unique storytelling, cultural richness, and the high-quality animation that Kahkeshan Studio is known for. The success of “The Tale of Blue” in Russia reflects the growing international recognition of Iranian animation and the universal appeal of its narratives.

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