The Investigator


Genres: Modern / marketing / Romance

Duration: 49eps*40mins

Short description: Xia Dong who works as an investigator for a global company that specializes in risk management has always considered professional ethics to be his life’s mission. In order to uncover the truth behind an incident that got him framed while studying abroad, Xia Dong transfers from US headquarters to the Shanghai branch. In his new office, he encounters Jian Yan, his junior at school who now works as an investigator. Soon after, Xia Dong and Jian Yan are conducting a background check on a company and find themselves facing repeated threats on their life after they helped Lin Junwen, an old classmate, and got caught in their family disputes. No matter the crisis, Xia Dong and Jian Yan continue to uphold their ideals and protect corporate integrity.

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Eunice 86 18382090940 86 0571 88254052

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